CSQ - 2004 Template


CSQ Annual Meeting - Nominations and Elections

According to the Bylaws, three (3) At-Large Board Members shall be elected each year at Spring Quest. Further, elected trustees take office immediately after Spring Quest, serve terms of two (2) years, and may serve not more than two consecutive two-year terms. In addition, this year we will elect a trustee to fill an unexpired term from the date of election to the end of Quest 2005, a one-year term.

Trustees must attend Spring Quest, and all meetings of the Board held during their terms of office. Currently there are four meetings per year - scheduled for Friday night, Saturday all day, Sunday to mid-afternoon in May, August, November, and February. Board meetings must be held within North Carolina, South Carolina, or Virginia. The next Board meeting will be May 14-16, 2004 at One Spirit Retreat, Pittsboro, NC. Board members are expected to make every effort to be available for emergency meetings and/or conference calls, and respond promptly to messages from other board members.

Nominations must be delivered to the Secretary, Tamia Buckingham, not later than 3:00 PM EST Saturday, April 17, 2004. They must be in writing, stating the full name, address, phone number (E-mail address) of both the nominee and three nominators. The nominators must certify that the nominee is willing to serve on the Board. The nominee and nominators must be present at Spring Quest.

Voting will take place during the annual meeting on Sunday of Spring Quest. All members present at the annual meeting may vote. A member is one who has paid the annual membership fee as set by the Board. The cost of the fee shall be offset by a voucher for the same monetary value, applicable to any CSQ event registration. Absentee voting is not allowed. Nominees must attend the Spring Quest at which they are nominated.

Therefore, nominations are open for three (3) two-year terms and one (1) one-year term on the Board.

The duties of the Board are:

  • Make overall policy, direct and control CSQ affairs
  • Appoint a Treasurer, who may or may not be an elected trustee
  • Appoint the Director(s) of the program(s) for the current year
  • Appoint the Director(s)-elect for the following year
  • Approve the budgets
  • Be willing to help with the work of the Board.

The officers of CSQ are a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. The Treasurer is an appointed position, who may or may not be a current member of the Board. The Treasurer's term runs from August 1 to July 31. The Board names the Officers.

Board Members with Terms ending at Sprint Quest 2004:

  • Alyse Ford (Member at Large)
  • Dan Tortorelli (Co-director Emeritus 2003)
  • Joy Tortorelli (Member at Large) - N.B. Joy continues as Treasurer of the organization.

Board Members with Terms Continuing:

  • Dick Merritt (Member at Large - expires April 2005)
  • Tamia Buckingham (Director Emerita 2004 - expires April 2005)
  • Liz Grimes (Member at Large - expires April 2005)

We thank you for your dedication to Carolina Spirit Quest.

For more information about Carolina Spirit Quest, please contact CSQuest@RTPnet.org.
To contact the webmaster please email Webmaster.

Last updated 2/16/04