CSQ - 2004 Budget


2004 Spring Quest Budget

The budget for the 2004 Spring Quest event shows an net surplus with 70 participants. This surplus is needed to restore the operationg capital of the CSQ organization so we can fund additional events without the event staff having to carry the debt burden.

Spring Quest - 2004
Proforma Budget

4060100Number of Full Time Equivalent Participants
Learning Circle Fees$150$300$480
T-Shirt income$195$195$195
Total Income$3,712$5,535$9,075
Facilities Rental$1,000$1,000$1,000
Meals - participants$802$1,200$2,000
T-shirt expense$357$357$357
Learning Circle Materials$200$300$500
Children's Program$150$150$150
Misc. Admin Expense$40$60$100
Total Expenses$3,712$4,230$5,270
Net Surplus (Deficit)$0$1,306$3,806

Fiscal year 2003 was a financial disaster for Carolina Spirit Quest, Inc. We ended the year with a net worth of about $20. Serious consideration was given to disbanding the organization. We were able to survive only because some of the members were willing to forgo timely repayment of expenses. A combination grant and loan totalling $500 from Celebrate the Circle gave us the funds to conduct Winter Quest 2004 and start us on the way back to financial health.

Statement of Financial Possition
July 31, 2003
 Prepaid Expense$1,000
  Total Assets$1,221
Liabilities & Net Assets
 Accounts Payable$1,200
 Net Assets$21
  Total Liabilities & Net Assets$1,221

For more information about Carolina Spirit Quest, please contact CSQuest@RTPnet.org.
To contact the webmaster please email Webmaster.

Last updated 3/23/04