
Trip to Indian Mound

Friday, 2 - 4 pm
On Friday, April 12, 2002, we will take a road trip to Town Creek Indian mound. Any volunteers who would like to make this journey will learn about the history and some of the ceremonies of the people who lived not far from where we are meeting for Quest, between 600 and 800 years ago. This trip will be done with full respect for these First Nations people. Fire will be brought back from this trip to light our ritual fire.

Opening Ritual

Friday, 8 pm
The opening ritual will focus us on our magic and our unity and prepare us to take the magic home with us. A "Three Worlds" pole that will reach into the lower world, this world, and the upper world will be prepared. People are invited to place objects on the pole during the weekend. We will have tobacco and cloth squares available for people to make tobacco ties and hang them on the pole, and then take them home. We will bring out the fire that we kindled at the Indian mound during the road trip. The fire will make us people of one fire, and we will each take home the spirit of the flame.

Sunrise Self-Guided Meditation

Saturday & Sunday, dawn
CSQ’s staff will select a beautiful outdoor space for self-guided sunrise meditation.

Main Ritual

Saturday, 7:30 pm
We will be doing trance work, that the energy will come from deep work, not wildness. Everyone is a part of this sacred work and will be able to participate as a singer, dancer, musician, or center holder. The intent is to bring the magic deep in ourselves and for each of us to find ways to take it home.

Closing Ritual

Sunday, 1:15 - 2 pm
We will thank Terpsichore, Goddess of choral dance. Each person will have the opportunity to take objects from the pole to bring the magick home with them.

For more information about Carolina Spirit Quest, please contact CSQuest@RTPnet.org.
To contact the webmaster please email Webmaster.

Last updated 2/13/02